“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand-- when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139: 13-18 Throughout my life, as the years went by, I had a difficult time believing that I was important or valuable. I believe that there are so many individuals who feel the same. Numerous songs, poems and stories have been penned telling the tale of the isolation that one feels in the darkness of their individual pits of despair. Due to our belief that we are invaluable to the world around us, too many times we hide who we really are. Too often we hide our true value, covering it up to try to fit in to a standard or an image that does not fit us. We live our lives looking for a friend that share our same interest, all at the same time hiding our true selves. Over time we realize that this doesn’t allow us to use our talents and our strengths to make this world a better place. We continue to live in a state, covered by our masks of happiness and contentment. Over my years of Bible reading, I soon began to understand that, although we believe that we are unimportant, God’s plan and understanding proves the opposite. Psalm 139:13-18 gives details of the depth of God’s creation. God did not just stitch us together; God perfectly and intentionally formed us with a specific intension and purpose. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Verse 13 shows that God was the one that formed us, down to the very last detail of our lives and our personality. With this being true, God knows our strengths and our weaknesses. God formed our body in the safety of our mother’s womb. God knows the strengths and talents that He was woven into lives. He also knows the personality that will complement ours the best, giving us a life-long companion on this journey. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Verse 16 reminds us that no part of lives or our creation has been hidden from God’s knowledge. God created the days of our lives with a specific goal in mind. While we may not know the number of our days or how long we will live, God does! Our creator has everything planned for our lives, showing us love and grace throughout our days. Since God knows our every detail and the characteristics that make us unique, why wouldn’t God create another individual that is much like us; A person that perfectly complements our personality; the same personality that may have gotten us labeled as “weird” or “strange”? In the displayed poem, written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein, we are introduced to two characters that seem to be the “outcasts” of their respective communities. Due to their blue skin, and possibly their peculiar personalities, they find themselves hiding in broad daylight by wearing masks. Due to the fact that they are trying to so much fervor to fit in, they don’t realize that the opportunity for a true friend in this cookie cutter world is right next to them. How often do you feel as if you are hiding your true personality or your true nature in order to better fit in? Probably too often! We were not created to cover up who we are! We were not given talents and interests and personalities for the sole purpose of hiding them from the world! Although too often that is exactly what we do; we disguise ourselves. “How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!” Since God creates this beautiful world and everything in it with the creativity that stems from such a vast array of thoughts and understandings, it should not be too difficult for us to comprehend that God will create some very unique places and things, including the human race. With that understanding, we should not be afraid to be ourselves; to express ourselves with our true colors on display.
Why I love the WWE!
Now, from the title this may seem like a poor attempt at a persuasive essay of a pimply-faced junior high student. I have spent much of my summer tuned into the WWE Network running through numerous WrestleMania Pay-Per-Views, re-plays of Raw, and documentaries of various sports entertainers. I just couldn't get enough! As I reflected on the reasons why I would be so obsessed over this brand of sports entertainment I realized that there are multiple reasons. Some of them are strictly entertainment, but many are personal reasons. All of these reasons have lead to a summer of growth and reflection. First off, I would like to point out and discuss the entertainment value of this incredible company. I have been watching WWF/WWE for most of my life. I began watching as a young child. I can remember hearing The Undertaker's iconic entrance music and his memorable backstage interviews. The WWE is known for being able to create some of the most well-known characters in the industry. Characters that would find their way into the hearts of children and adults alike! From touching stories of Ultimate Warrior's determination to Daniel Bryan's "YES!" movement filling stadiums around the world, WWE has continuously shown their connection to all types of people. Now, being a full grown 28 year old adult watching, I realize what make this brand of entertainment so real to so many people; It's the story of trial and triumph. Throughout years and throughout storylines, on-screen personalities are faced with multiple obstacles that they are forced to overcome. Some of these challenges are fabricated, while some of the them are based on the wrestler's real life drama; all of them are relatable. That is truly my favorite part! Recently, my favorite storylines are CM Punk and Chris Jericho's feud from 2012, where Jericho dragged Punk's family through the mud, revealing Punk's family's drug issues. As I watched this tale unfold, my stomach turned realizing that I resonated with CM Punk's story. He is an anomaly. I am an anomaly. Another great storyline was the ultimate underdog tale of Daniel Bryan. Throughout his career through Ring of Honor and other independent promotions, Bryan was never seen as the top guy of the company, but he always found his way to the top through hard work. His time in WWE was no different. It seems like WWE didn't want Bryan anywhere near the top, especially near the WWE Championship. Both on-screen and off-screen they seemed to do anything they could to keep him down. With The WWE fans, appropriately called the WWE Universe, behind him, Bryan was given a shot at the WWE Championship. Yet, more recent storylines that have encouraged me is emergents of female wrestlers, such as Sasha Banks, Bayley and Becky Lynch achieving their childhood dreams. On exclusive WWE interviews on the WWE Network, these ladies let us into the secret catacombs of their upbringing as they searched, learned, and trained for a single shot at their dreams. Regardless of the Diva brand that WWE has carried over the years, these phanominal ladies showed that they don't rely on their good looks to survive in this industry. They have proven that they can legitimately handle business in the ring and on the microphone, telling a compelling story also. I really got behind these storylines for one purpose; they were so authentic. I was able to relate to them and I loved seeing Bryan overcome the multiple obstacles that were intentionally placed in Bryan's way. It was great to root on Bayley as she fought for the NXT Woman's title and fought even harder to retain it. I loved these moments because I've felt that way myself. Some of the most recent storylines Too many times we as people deal with trials and tribulations and we prayerfully hope for triumph. Throughout this summer I have dealt with some of the most difficult times in my life and instead of trying to escape my woes through sports entertainment, I found that I was able to relate to these on-screen struggles and in some way I was able to be set on a new course and recover though the stories on the screen. Anytime we can we see a figure that we relate to, whether fiction or factual, pushing through obstacles and overcoming persecution, I believe it helps the average every-day Joe push through their own challenges. Due to this, I continue to watch WWE Pay-per-views, documentaries and new episodes of Raw and Smackdown. I look forward to seeing the new storylines such as Roman Reigns striving for the WWE Championship; the unveiling of the WWE Woman's Championship Title from the former Divas Title and the multiple feuds and promos that create memorable moments that have entertained us for generations. Often I find myself latching on to and cheering for the entertainers that imspire me to try harder and to do better. My New Year’s Resolution:
I was born on October 7, 1987. I was born with many complications and a blood clot in the right side of the brain. On the day that I was born, I was operated on to remove the blood clot. At the same time, I was very under weight. I couldn’t actually be sent home from the hospital until I reached a weight that the hospital felt was safe. Ever since I can remember I have been told that I was a miracle baby. Trust me; I am not saying this to get sympathy. I am simply informing the reader of the circumstances of my birth. Over the years I have realized that I use this time as an opportunity to reflect on who I am. I reflect on what I’ve done. Lastly, I reflect on who I want to become. While most people reflect on their life in the moments between December and January, I tend to reflect on the actual day of my birth. This year, a few days before my birthday, I began to reflect. My mind began searching through the catacombs of memories over the last twelve months. I began to ask myself a multiplicity of questions:
This past year I have been through my own trials and tribulations and my true friends stood by my side, coaching me through the entire ordeal. I am very thankful for that. With that being said, I find that I often isolate myself from the idea of furthering my friendships with people. I realize that I can always work harder at being a better friend. This could happen in selection of ways; I could leap out of my comfort zone and meet new people, expanding my knowledge of people. This could allow me to learn to love more. Secondly, I could strengthen my relationships with the friends that I have. I could make a stronger connection with them by making a valiant effort to bond.
I often find myself looking through my memories and seeing a collection of opportunities that I refused to take advantage. Opportunities such as: dating, new job positions, new ministry outreaches, new books to read, new music to listen to, and rebuilding broken relationships. The older I get the more I look back and see the opportunities that have passed on. Although I could dwell in the past, it is more constructive to look at the opportunities ahead of me. Opportunities such as: dating, new job positions, new ministry outreaches, new books to read, new music to listen to, and rebuilding broken relationships, and so many more new ones.
What is wrong with being passionate about something? When you find something, or someone, that you love you find yourself doing whatever it takes to share that passion with the world. Over the years, I have realized that I carry passion in the furthest part of my heart. Yet, I am unable to share it with those around me. I have learned to share my passion and speak my passion to the world around me. Now, I must strengthen that ability and unashamedly share my passion with people, places, and things.
This goal can be reached in a multitude of different ways: it could something as simple as a small act of kindness, such as, a compliment. I could improve on this goal by keeping my eyes open for opportunities to serve people or help them with a task, or I could sincerely tell them their importance to me. I could improve on this goal by being very intentional about the activities that I engage in with certain people; along with that, I need to ensure that I am genuinely interested in what my friends say and do.
As an individual, I realize that I also need to keep growing. If you just stick with the same movies and other forms of entertainment then you soon find yourself trapped in a perpetual cycle of the mundane and boredom. I realize that it is in my best interest to continue to grow as a teacher, a son, a brother and as a person in general. Now, I don’t need to try to fit into every box that surrounds me, yet it is health to always try new interests. |
Anthony K. GiesickActions are taken everyday that help make this world better and I just want to share them with you. Archives
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